LÁ THƯ NGỎ của 869 KINH TẾ GIA CHỐNG TT TRUMP, 869 Economists Oppose Trump

Open Letter: 869 Economists Oppose Trump's Re-Election

Bản tiếng Việt: Nguyễn Quốc Khải

LGT: Trên 800 kinh tế gia Hoa Kỳ gồm bẩy người được giải Nobel đã khẩn cấp cảnh báo chống lại việc tái cử của tổng thống Donald Trump. Trong lá thư ngỏ, các kinh tế gia chỉ trích Trump đã tấn công mạnh mẽ vào cơ chế dân chủ của Hoa Kỳ, thất bại thậm tệ trong việc đối phó với đại dịch COVID-19, liên tục tung ra những tin tức giả mạo một cách nguy hiểm và công khai nuôi dưỡng một môi trường tham nhũng. Một tháng trước đây, 13 kinh tế gia được giải Nobel cũng đã viết một lá thư ủng hộ ứng cử viên tổng thống Joe Biden. 

Chú thích: Những cơ quan liệt kê ở đây chỉ dùng cho mục đích nhận diện và không phải là đã ký vào lá thư này. 

Chúng tôi là những kinh tế gia ký tên dưới đây mạnh mẽ kêu gọi cử tri không tái cử Donald Trump vì những lý do sau đây: 

Cách thức thương lượng hỗn loạn và vô hiệu quả của ông đã gây tổn thương đến quan hệ đối với những đối tác thương mại, làm gián đoạn đường dây tiếp liệu (supply chain), hạ thấp những tiêu chuẩn quốc tế, và làm hại nông gia – Vậy mà không đạt được mục tiêu mà  ông đã công bố là làm giảm nhập siêu. Ngay cả thỏa hiệp thương mại dấu ấn US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) cũng được dự đoán sẽ không tạo được một ảnh hưởng có ý nghĩa nào về tổng sản phẩm nội địa (GDP) hay nhập siêu.   

Khả năng quản trị kém cỏi của ông đã gây thiệt hai cho sự khả tín và hiệu quả của khu vực công. Những cơ quan chính phủ điều hành bởi những viên chức xử lý, những cựu nhân viên bất bình thường xuyên xuất hiện trên báo chí với những sự cảnh báo khốc liệt, và người trong gia đình được giao cho trọng trách đối phó với đại dịch. 

Ông tự cho là người duy nhất có khả năng làm kinh tế có thể tăng trưởng (theo GDP giá cố định) trong khoảng 4% và 6%, nhưng chưa bao giờ vượt quá 2.9% trong ba năm đầu của ông. Ngoài ra, Goldman Sachs và Moody’s Analytics đã dự đoán rằng kế hoạch kinh tế của Joe Biden nếu được thực hiện, có thể sẽ làm cho mức tăng trưởng nhanh hơn về cả việc làm lẫn GDP. 

Ông đã thất bại trong việc thực hiện những hứa hẹn kinh tế cốt lõi khi tranh cử: khu vực công nghệ tiếp tục giữ một phần nhỏ về việc làm, và mức thiếu hụt về ngân sách và thương mại đã gia tăng. Như những kinh tế gia đã giải thích vào 2016, hầu hết những hứa hẹn của ông hoặc không có ý nghĩa hoặc là không thể đạt được với những chính sách của ông. Điều này cũng đúng cho 2020. 

Cách đối phó với COVID-19 của chính quyền Trump qua chính sách y tế công cộng, như được mô tả bởi những y học gia , đã biến “cuộc khủng hoảng thành một thảm họa” và đã thua những quốc gia dân chủ khác theo “mức độ nghiêm trọng.” 

* Ông liên tục làm giảm tính cách độc lập và mức khả tín của các cơ quan y tế chủ yếu, bao gồm Food and Drug Administration, Center for Disease Control, và National Institute of Health, làm giảm lòng tin của công chúng đối với các cơ quan này ở những lúc mà chúng ta cần nhất. 

Ông nhấn mạnh quá sức đến mâu thuẫn giữa phát triển kinh tế và y tế công cộng trong cơn đại dịch. Sự thật, nhiều quốc gia ngăn chặn virus một cách hiệu quả đã thành công hơn về phương diện kinh tế. 

Hành vi cá nhân của ông khi đại dịch COVID-19 bộc phát đã gây nguy hại cho y tế công cộng, việc phục hồi kinh tế và việc mở cửa các trường học một cách an toàn. Ông xem thường việc dùng khẩu trang và giữ khoảng cách xã hội, tổ chức những cuộc tập họp trong nhà, khuyến khích việc sử dụng những chất chưa được kiểm chứng và có tiềm năng nguy hiểm, xem thường tính chất nghiêm trọng của đại dịch, tổ chức những sinh hoạt lớn làm lan truyền virus, làm tê liệt Tòa Bạch Ốc và buộc giới lãnh đạo quân sự phải cách ly.
Ông thường xuyên tung ra những tin không chính xác, ngay cả trong thời gian khủng hoảng, và là nguồn tin giả mạo lớn nhất trong thời gian đại dịch. 

Ông đã làm cho đất nước khó thu hút được những di dân có khả năng chuyên môn và làm việc tận tụy vì đã xâm phạm tự do tôn giáo và ám chỉ rằng những đứa trẻ của những di dân da mầu không thật sự là người Mỹ. 

* Ông đã làm cho đất nước trở thành một nơi kém hấp dẫn để kinh doanh vì đã tạo ra một không khí hỗn loạn và bất ổn và sử dụng chính quyền để trừng phạt cá nhân hay cơ sở kinh doanh nào không tỏ vẻ tôn kính. 

Ông đã nuôi dưỡng một nền văn hóa tham nhũng trắng trợn bằng cách áp lực những nước ngoại quốc gây thiệt hại cho những đối thủ chính trị của ông, sử dụng vị thế của mình để quảng cáo cho một người ủng hộ ông về chính trị, toan tình chuyển những buổi họp giữa những cơ quan chính phủ về những cơ sở thương mại của ông, sử dụng tài nguyên quốc gia để tổ chức những sinh hoạt tranh cử, và cho phép nhân viên Tòa Bạch Ốc công khai vi phạm Đạo Luật Hatch Act (cấm các nhân viên trong chính phủ liên bang, ngoại trừ tổng thống và phó tổng thống, được tham gia một số hoạt động chính tri.) 

Ông từ chối công khai hóa hồ sơ thuế cá nhân – không như những đối thủ chính trị của ông trong những năm 2016 và 2020 – gây khó khăn cho việc ấn định mâu thuẫn giữa quyền lợi tài chánh cá nhân và quốc gia ở mức độ nào. Một bài tường thuật (New York Times) mới đây cho biết đã có được hồ sơ thuế của ông trong hai thập niên. Theo đó, những cơ sở kinh doanh của ông đã liên tục khai lỗ lớn lao và ông xem ra có nhiều mâu thuẫn về quyền lợi chưa giải quyết. 

Ông đã tung ra nhiều thuyết âm mưu làm tổn hại đến niềm tin vào những cơ chế dân chủ mà không đưa ra một lý do nào ngoại trừ để tạo ảnh hưởng với báo chí trong một chu kỳ tin tức. 

Ông có một quan điểm kinh tế thiếu hiểu biết, thắng thua bù trừ lẫn nhau (zero-sum), do đó gây ra sai sót và sự độc ác. 

Chỉ trong một nhiệm kỳ, Donald Trump đã làm cho Hoa Kỳ không còn nhận ra được, và không phải chịu một hậu quả nào vì làm như vậy. Ông ta đã tấn công vào những cơ chế dân chủ, giao phó cho những người trong gia đình những trách nhiệm chính quyền quan trọng trong thời kỳ đại dịch, đòi hỏi những đối thủ chính trị bị nhốt vào tù, bình thường hóa tham nhũng, và làm việc phục hồi kinh tế yếu đi vì hành vi ích kỷ và bất cẩn. Vì những lý do này, chúng tôi mạnh mẽ khuyến cáo rằng những cử tri hãy làm những gì mà không ai khác có thể làm: tái lập nền dân chủ bằng cách bỏ phiếu truất phế Donald Trump ra khỏi chức vụ tổng thống.

Open Letter: 869 Economists Oppose Trump's Re-Election


NOTE: Institutions are listed for identification purposes and should not be viewed as signatories to the letter.

We, the undersigned economists, strongly urge voters not to re-elect Donald Trump on the following grounds:

His chaotic and ineffective approach to negotiation has damaged relations with trade partners, interrupted supply chains, degraded international norms, and harmed American farmers -- all without achieving his stated goal of reducing the trade deficit. Even his landmark trade deal, the USMCA, is not projected to have a meaningful impact on either GDP or the trade deficit.
His managerial incompetence has damaged the credibility and effectiveness of the public sector. Agencies cycle through acting heads, disgruntled former staffers frequently appear in the media with dire warnings, and family members are put in charge of critical pandemic response initiatives.

He claimed to have the unique ability to generate growth (in real GDP) of between 4% and 6%, but never surpassed 2.9% in his first three years in office. Furthermore, analysts at Goldman Sachs and Moody’s Analytics have projected that Joe Biden’s economic plans, if implemented, would actually generate faster growth in both employment and real GDP.

He failed to achieve his campaign’s core economic promises: manufacturing remained a small share of employment, and both the fiscal and trade deficits increased. As economists explained in 2016, most of his promises either didn’t make sense or weren’t achievable using his proposed policies. This remains true in 2020.
His administration’s public health response to COVID-19 was described by medical scientists as having turned "...a crisis into a tragedy" and as having underperformed relative to other democracies by "orders of magnitude."
He has consistently undermined the independence and credibility of our major health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control, and the National Institutes of Health, eroding public trust in their approvals and recommendations at exactly the time when we most desperately need it.
He has dramatically overemphasized the extent to which economic growth and public health are in conflict during a pandemic. In fact, many countries that have been more effective in their viral containment efforts have also performed better economically.

His personal behavior during the COVID-19 outbreak endangered public health, the economic recovery, and the safe re-opening of schools. He undermined mask use and social distancing, held indoor rallies, encouraged the use of unproven and potentially dangerous medical substances, downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and hosted a superspreader event that incapacitated the White House and forced military leadership into quarantine.
He regularly spreads dangerous misinformation, even during times of crisis, and has been the single largest source of misinformation during the pandemic.
He has made the country less attractive to skilled and hard-working immigrants by assaulting religious freedom and by insinuating that the children of non-white immigrants are not truly American.

He has made the country a less appealing place to do business by creating an atmosphere of perpetual chaos and uncertainty, and by using the levers of government to punish individuals and businesses that were insufficiently reverential.

He has fostered a culture of unabashed corruption by pressuring foreign countries to undermine his political opponents, using the resolute desk to promote a political supporter’s bean products, attempting to divert intergovernmental meetings to his commercial properties, using public resources to conduct campaign events, and allowing White House staff to openly flout the Hatch Act.
He has refused to release his tax returns -- unlike his political opponents in both 2016 and 2020 -- making it difficult to determine the extent to which his financial interests conflict with the country’s. Recent reporting, which has secured his returns for two decades, suggests that his businesses have consistently claimed large losses and that he appears to have many unresolved conflicts of interest.

He spreads conspiracy theories that undermine long-term trust in democratic institutions for seemingly no reason other than to influence media coverage in a single news cycle.
He has a poorly-informed, zero-sum view of economics that engenders needless viciousness and cruelty.

In just one term in office, Donald Trump has rendered the United States unrecognizable, and has faced no consequences for doing so. He has carried out a sustained assault on democratic institutions, put his family members in charge of critical government functions during a pandemic, called for his political opponents to be thrown in prison, normalized corruption, and weakened the economic recovery with selfish and reckless behavior. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that the electorate do what no one else can: reclaim your democracy by voting to remove Donald Trump from office.

Henry J Aaron, The Brookings Institution
Alberto Abadie, MIT
Soofi Abdol, School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Teshome Abebe, Eastern Illinois University
Ryan Abman, San Diego State University
Rahi Abouk, William Paterson University
Joelle Abramowitz, University of Michigan
David Abrams, University of Pennsylvania
Jason Abrevaya, University of Texas, Austin
Daron Acemoglu, MIT
Sara Adler-Mandelbaum, Western Governor's University
Anat R Admati, Stanford University
Amanda Agan, Rutgers University
Dennis J. Aigner, University of California, Irvine
Ugur Aker, Hiram College
George Akerlof, Georgetown University
Stefania Albanesi, University of Pittsburgh
Randy Albelda, University of Massachusetts Boston
Jim Albrecht, Georgetown University
Harold Alderman, IFPRI
Treb Allen, Dartmouth College
Andres Almazan, The University of Texas at Austin
Douglas Almond, Columbia University
Titan Alon, University of California, San Diego
Neil Alper, Northeastern University
Rosanne Altshuler, Rutgers University
Nurul Samiul Aman, University of Massachusetts Boston
Pedro Amaral, California State University, Fullerton
Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University
Robert M Anderson, University of California, Berkeley
Axel Anderson, Georgetown University
James E. Anderson, Boston College
Victor William Ribeiro Andrade, University of Kansas
Donald W K Andrews, Yale University
Manuela Angelucci, The University of Texas at Austin
Jasmin Ansar, Mills College
Ian Appel, Boston College
Andres Aradillas-Lopez, Pennsylvania State University
Eren Arbatli, NRU Higher School of Economics
Ken Ardon, Salem State University
Matteo Arena, Marquette University
Mary Arends-Kuenning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Costas Arkolakis, Yale University
Boragan Aruoba, University of Maryland
Michael Ash, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Richard Ashley, Virginia Tech
Vidya Atal, Montclair State University
Susan Averett, Lafayette College
Ruediger Bachmann, University of Notre Dame
M. V. Lee Badgett, Amherst, MA
Erol Balkan, Hamilton College
Laurence Ball, Johns Hopkins University
Suman Banerjee, Stevens Institute of Technology
Victoria Baranov, The University of Melbourne
Robert J. Barbera, Johns Hopkins University
Bradford Lewis Barham, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Bill Barnes, University of Portland
William A. Barnett, University of Kansas
Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University
Dominick Bartelme, University of Michigan
Karna Basu, Hunter College & CUNY Graduate Center
Bharati Basu, Central Michigan University
Michael Bates, University of California at Riverside
Natalie Bau, UCLA
Reagan Baughman, University of New Hampshire
Robert Baumann, College of the Holy Cross
Neal Becker, University of Pittsburgh
Jere R Behrman, University of Pennsylvania
Marc F. Bellemare, University of Minnesota
C. Lanier Benkard, Stanford University
Alan M. Benson, University of Minnesota
Antonio M Bento, University of Southern California
Youssef Benzarti, University of California, Santa Barbara
Julia Berazneva, Middlebury College
Berenbeim, Stern School of Business Administration, New York University
Dirk Bergemann, Yale University
Peter Bergman, Columbia University
Ted Bergstrom, University of California Santa Barbara
Eli Berman, University of California San Diego
Kevin Berry, University of Alaska Anchorage
Marianne Bertrand, University of Chicago
David Besanko, Northwestern University
Michael Carlos Best, Columbia University
Syon Bhanot, Swarthmore College
Saurabh Bhargava, Carnegie Mellon University
V Bhaskar, University of Texas at Austin
Joydeep Bhattacharya, Iowa State University
Timothy Bianco, Allegheny College
Joerg Bibow, Skidmore College
Adam I. Biener, Lafayette College
Herman J. Bierens, Pennsylvania State University
Saki Bigio, UCLA
Richard E. Bilsborrow, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Emily Blanchard, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
David Blanchflower, Dartmouth College
Emily Blank, Howard University
Francine D. Blau, Cornell University
Robert A. Blecker, American University
Jason R. Blevins, Ohio State University
Jesse Blocher, Vanderbilt University
Steven Block, Tufts University
Barry Bluestone, Northeastern University
Randy Bluffstone, Portland State University
Andreas Blume, University of Arizona
Luigi Bocola, Stanford University
Martin Boileau, University of Colorado
Gary Bolton, University of Texas at Dallas
Alessandro Bonatti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philip Bond,
Carl Bonham, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Severin Borenstein, University of California, Berkeley
Luca Bossi, University of Pennsylvania
Steven Bosworth, University of Reading
Matthew J. Botsch, Bowdoin College
Nathan Sivers Boyce, Willamette University
Gale A. Boyd, Duke University
Roy G Boyd, Ohio University
W. David Bradford, University of Georgia
Sebastien Bradley, Drexel University
William Brainard, Yale University
Elizabeth Brainerd, Brandeis University
Daniel Brent, Penn State University
Wyatt Brooks, Arizona State University
David S. Brookshire, University of New Mexico
Clair Brown, University of California, Berkeley
Christina Brown, UC Berkeley
Derek S. Brown, Washington University in St. Louis
Sandro Brusco, Stony Brook University
Kevin Bryan, University of Toronto
Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame
Marguerite Burns, University of Wisconsin
Benjamin Bushong, Michigan State University
Kristy Buzard, Syracuse University
Tilman Bögers, University of Michigan
Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon
Donald Edward Campbell, The College of William and Mary
Gerard Caprio, Williams College
Geoffrey Carliner, Boston University
Christopher Carpenter, Vanderbilt University
Michael Carter, UMass Lowell
Michael R Carter, University of California, Davis
John Cawley, Cornell University
Stephen Cecchetti, Brandeis University
Ujjayant Chakravorty, Tufts University
Frank Chaloupka, University of Illinois at Chicago
Roberto Chang, Rutgers University
David A. Chapman, University of Virginia
Kalyan Chatterjee, The Pennsylvania State University
Joyce J. Chen, The Ohio State University
Howard Chernick, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City Univ of NY
Ron Cheung, Oberlin College
Judith Chevalier, Yale School of Management
Rachel G. Childers, Presbyterian College
Robert Chirinko, University of Illinois at Chicago
Barry R. Chiswick, George Washington University
Bhagwan Chowdhry, UCLA
Abdur Chowdhury, Marquette University
Kimberly E Christensen, Sarah Lawrence College
Tim Classen, Loyola University Chicago
Kimberly Clausing, Reed College
Jim Cobbe, Florida State University
Daniele Coen-Pirani, University of Pittsburgh
Sarah Cohodes, Teachers College, Columbia University
Matthew T. Cole, California Polytechnic State University
Robert Collinson, University of Notre Dame
Jonathan Colmer, University of Virginia
Jonathan Conning, City University of New York
Karen Conway, University of New Hampshire
Patrick Conway, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jason Cook, University of Utah
Thomas Cooley, New York University
Hope Corman, Rider University
Arnold R. Cowan, Iowa State University
Donald Cox, Boston College
Stuart V. Craig, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Cramton, University of Maryland
Carolyn Craven, Middlebury College
Vincent Crawford, University of Oxford and University of California, San Diego
Elizabeth Crowell, University of Michigan—Dearborn
Kelley L. Cullen, Eastern Washington University
J David Cummins, Temple University
Scott Cunningham, Baylor University
David M Cutler, Harvard University
Jamshid Damooei, California Lutheran University
James Dana, Northeastern University
Shooshan Danagoulian, Wayne State University
Betty C Daniel, University at Albany
Andrew Daughety, Vanderbilt University
Dhaval Dave, Bentley University
Thomas Davidoff, University of British Columbia
Donald R. Davis, Columbia University
Robert T. Deacon, University of California, Santa Barbara
Joyee Deb, Yale University
Tatyana Deryugina, University of Illinois
Olivier Deschenes, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jerome Detemple, Boston University
James DeVault, Lafayette College
Peter Diamond, MIT
Ranjit S. Dighe, SUNY Oswego
Michael DiNardi, University of Rhode Island
Taryn Dinkelman, University of Notre Dame
Rebecca Dizon-Ross, University of Chicago
Matthias Doepke, Northwestern University
Kevin Donovan, Yale University
Coleman Drake, University of Pittsburgh
Itamar Drechsler, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Thomas Drennen, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Scott Dressler, Villanova University
Steven J. Dundas, Oregon State University
Steven N. Durlauf, University of Chicago
Prajit Dutta, Columbia University
Susan Dynarski, University of Michigan
Richard A. Easterlin, University of Southern California
Jonathan Eaton, Pennsylvania State University
Richard Eckaus, MIT
Eric Edmonds, Dartmouth College
Kevin Egan, University of Toledo
Nina Eichacker, University of Rhode Island
Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley
Robert Elder, Beloit College
Sara Fisher Ellison, MIT
Alice Ellyson, University of Washington, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Adem Y. Elveren, Fitchburg State University
Can Erbil, Boston College
Christopher Erickson, University of California, Los Angeles
Keith Marzilli Ericson, Boston University
Bilge Erten, Northeastern University
Hadi Salehi Esfahani, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jose-Antonip Espin-Sanchez, Yale University
Mary Evans, Claremont McKenna College
David Evans, University of Oregon
Piotr Evdokimov, Higher School of Economics
Ray Fair, Yale University
David Fairris, University of California, Riverside
Steven Fazzari, Washington University in St. Louis
Edgar Feige, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Raquel Fernandez, NYU
A. Nilesh Fernando, University of Notre Dame
Ricardo Fernholz, Claremont McKenna College
James Feyrer, Dartmouth College
Alexander J. Field, Santa Clara University
Andrew Fieldhouse, Middlebury College
Deborah M. Figart, Stockton University
Raymond Fisman, Boston University
Sean Flaherty, Franklin and Marshall College
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Syracuse University
Christina Fong, Carnegie Mellon University
Henrique Veras de Paiva Fonseca, Oberlin College
Jean-Jacques Forneron, Boston University
Lea Fortmann, University of Puget Sound
Cesare Fracassi, University of Texas at Austin
Johanna L Francis, Fordham University
Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harvard University
Stephie Fried, Arizona State University
Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia
Amanda Friedenberg, University of Arizona
Willa Helterline Friedman, University of Houston
Philip Friedman, Golden Gate University
Daniel Friedman, University of California, Santa Cruz
Drew Fudenberg, MIT
Delia Furtado, University of Connecticut
Stuart Gabriel, UCLA
David Galenson, University of Chicago
John Luke Gallup, Portland State University
Li Gan, Texas A&M University
H. Stephen Gardner, Baylor University
Michelle R. Garfinkel, University of California-Irvine
Claudine Gartenberg, University of Pennsylvania
William R. Gates, Naval Postgraduate School, Emeritus
Martin Gaynor, Carnegie Mellon University
Laura Katherine Gee, Tufts University
Garance Genicot, Georgetown University
Jacqueline Geoghegan, Clark University
Christophre Georges, Hamilton College
James Gerber, San Diego State University
Mark Gertler, NYU
Jamshed Ghandhi, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Andra Ghent, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Fabio Ghironi, University of Washington
Robert Gibbons, MIT
Dan Giedeman, Grand Valley State University
Thomas Gilbert, University of Washington
Kenneth Gillingham, Yale University
Osea Giuntella, University of Pittsburgh
Gopi Shah Goda, Stanford University
John Goddeeris, Michigan State University
Chuan Goh, University of Guelph
Amos Golan, American University
Devra Golbe, Hunter College
Robert S. Goldfarb, Professor of Economics (retired)
Claudia Goldin, Harvard University
Matthieu Gomez, Columbia University
Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera, University of California, Riverside
Allen C. Goodman, Wayne State University
Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Washington University in St. Louis
Roger Gordon, UCSD
Robert J. Gordon, Northwestern University
Todd A. Gormley, Washington University in St. Louis
Lawrence Goulder, Stanford University
Ilene Grabel, University of Denver, Josef Korbel School of International Studies
Nathaniel P Graham, Texas A&M International University
Corbett Grainger, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Charles M. Gray, University of St. Thomas
Wayne Gray, Clark University
Jerry R. Green, Harvard University
Stuart Greenbaum, Washington University, STL
Matthew Greenblatt, The College of New Jersey
Daniel Greenwald, MIT
Mark Greer, The College of William & Mary
Amanda Gregg, Middlebury College
Matthew Grennan, University of Pennsylvania
Erica L Groshen, Cornell University
Michael Grossman, City University of New York Graduate Center
Wayne A. Grove, Le Moyne College
Theodore Groves, University of California - San Diego
Martin J Gruber, NYU
Jonathan Gruber, MIT
Danilo Guaitoli, NYU
Arthur S Guarino, Rutgers University
Joanne Guo, University of Bridgeport
Adam Guren, Boston University
Fatih Guvenen, University of Minnesota
Charles J. Hadlock, Michigan State University
Nima Haghpanah, Pennsylvania State University
Philip A. Haile, Yale University
Bronwyn H Hall, University of California at Berkeley
George J Hall, Brandeis University
Thomas Hall, Christopher Newport University
John Battaile Hall, Portland State University
John Halstead, University of New Hampshire
Winthrop Hambley, American University
Daniel S. Hamermesh, Barnard College, IZA and NBER
Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University
Stephen F Hamilton, California Polytechnic State University
Ben Handel, Berkeley
Bruce Hansen, University of Wisconsin
Peter Reinhard Hansen, University of North Carolina
Oliver Hart, Harvard University
Robert Paul Hartley, Columbia University
Tarek A. Hassan, Boston University
Jonathan Haughton, Suffolk University
Johannes Haushofer, Princeton University
George Hay, Cornell University
Carolyn Heinrich, Vanderbilt University
Santhi Hejeebu, Cornell College
Marc Henry, Penn State
Steve Henson, Western Washington University
Benjamin E Hermalin, University of California, Berkeley
Thomas Herndon, Loyola Marymount University
Joseph A. Herriges, Iowa State University (emeritus), Michigan State University (retired)
Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University
Alexander Hill, Arizona State University
Elaine L Hill, PhD, University of Rochester
Keisuke Hirano, Pennsylvania State University
Günter J. Hitsch, University of Chicago
Jonas Hjort, Columbia University
Vivian Ho, Rice University
Andrew Hobbs, University of San Francisco
Robert J Hodrick, Columbia Business School
Saul Hoffman, University of Delaware
Stephen Holland, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Thomas J Holmes, University of Minnesota
Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University
Roozbeh Hosseini, University of Georgia
Yasheng Huang, MIT Sloan School of Management
Timothy Hubbard, Colby College
Paul Hughes-Cromwick, PHC Health Policy, LLC
Isaiah Hull, Senior Economist
Dan Hungerman, Notre Dame
Michael Mercier Hutchison, University of California, Santa Cruz
Matthew  Hyle, Winona State University
Johannes Hörner, Yale
Barry W. Ickes, Pennsylvania State University
Scott A Imberman, Michigan State University
Joshua Jacobs, University of Washington
Sarah Jacobson, Williams College
Sanford M. Jacoby, University of California, Los Angeles
Eric Jacquier, Boston University
Paul Andrew Jargowsky, Rutgers University - Camden
Elizabeth Jensen, Hamilton College
Michal Jerzmanowski, Clemson University
Charles Jeszeck, U.S. Government Accountability Office (ret.)
Saleha Jilani, Haverford College
Timothy C. Johnson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Derek C. Jones, Hamilton College
Martha W. M. Jones, Vanderbilt University
Paul L. Joskow, MIT
Pab Jotikasthira, Southern Methodist University
Stephen D. Joyce, Drexel University
Theodore Joyce, Baruch College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Kenneth L Judd, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
George Judge, UC, Berkeley
Fadhel Kaboub, Denison University
John Kagel, Ohio State University
Emir Kamenica, University of Chicago
Joseph Kane, UMass and Castleton universities
John Kane, SUNY Oswego
Cameron Kaplan, University of Southern California
J K Kapler, University of Massachusetts Boston
Dean Karlan, Northwestern University
Navin Kartik, Columbia University
Jakub Kastl, Princeton University
Amoz Kats, Virginia Tech
Lawrence Katz, Harvard University
Mark Kazarosian, stonehill college
Donald Keim, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Kelly, University of Notre Dame
Amir Kermani, University of California, Berkeley
Erasmus K. Kersting, Villanova University
Pinar Keskin, Wellesley College
Michael Kevane, Santa Clara University
Farida Khan, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Christopher Kilby, Villanova University
Jean Kimmel, Western Michigan University
Mary C King, Portland State University
Ruby Kishan, Texas State University
Yehuda Klein, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Henrik Kleven, Princeton University
Alvin K. Klevorick, Yale University
Catherine L. Kling, Cornell University and Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Tabitha Knight, Willamette University
Christopher Knittel, MIT
Yilmaz Kocer, University of Southern California
Thomas Kochan, MIT
Niree Kodaverdian, Pomona College
Charles D. Kolstad, Stanford University and University of California
Gerald Kominski, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Andrew Kosenko, Marist College
Matthew Kotchen, Yale University
Matthew Kovach, Virginia Tech
Dan Kovenock, Chapman University
Clemens Kownatzki, Pepperdine Graziadio Business School
Evan Kraft, American University
Adriana Kugler, Georgetown University
Michael Kuhn, University of Oregon
Mark Jeffrey Kuperberg, Swarthmore College
Mordecai Kurz, Stanford University
Jonathan L. Kurzfeld, Bates College
Paul R Kutasovic, New York Institute of Technology
Kenneth Kuttner, Williams College
Ilyana Kuziemko, Princeton University
John E. Kwoka, jr., Northeastern University
Harry Kypraios, Rollins Collge
David Laibson, Harvard University
Steven Landgraf, Virginia Military Institute
Farrokh Langdana, Rutgers Business School
Fabian Lange, McGill University
John Leahy, University of Michigan
Ronald D. Lee, University of California, Berkeley
Michael A. Leeds, Temple University
William H. Lehr, MIT
Brandon Lehr, Occidental College
Dean Leistikow, Fordham University
Hayne E. Leland, University of California, Berkeley
Dan Levin, Ohio State University
David I. Levine, University of California, Berkeley
Ting Levy, Florida Atlantic University
Arthur Lewbel, Boston College
Lynne Lewis, Elmer W. Campbell Professor of Economics, Bates College
Shanjun Li, Cornell University
Shengwu Li, Harvard University
An Li, Sarah Lawrence College
Marc Lieberman, New York University
Ethan Ligon, University of California at Berkeley
Daniel Lin, American University
David L. Lindauer, Wellesley College
Barton Lipman, Boston University
Hong Liu, Washington University in St. Louis
Ted Loch-Temzelides, Rice University
Jason Long, Wheaton College
Jakub Lonsky, PhD, University of Liverpool
John Lopresti, William & Mary
Peter Lorentzen, University of San Francisco
Dukes Love, Williams College
Fernando Lozano, Pomona College
Sydney Ludvigson, New York University
Erzo F.P. Luttmer, Dartmouth College
Travis J. Lybbert, University of California, Davis
Victor Lyonnet, Ohio State University
Jeffrey Macher, Georgetown (McDonough)
Catherine Maclean, Temple University
W Bentley MacLeod, Columbia University
Ellen Magenheim, Swarthmore College
Marco Di Maggio, Harvard Business School
Vikram Maheshri, University of Houston
Michael Makowsky, Clemson University
Hazel Malapit, International Food Policy Research Institute
Elena Manresa, NYU
Hani Mansour, University of Colorado Denver
Don Mar, San Francisco State University
Alan Marcus, Boston College
Nelson C Mark, University of Notre Dame
Victoria Marone, University of Texas at Austin
Katalin Marton, Fordham University
Keith E Maskus, University of Colorado Boulder
Charles Mason, University of Wyoming
Victor Matheson, College of the Holy Cross
Laurent Mathevet, New York University
Jordan Matsudaira, Teachers College, Columbia University
Peter Hans Matthews, Middlebury College
Ryan S Mattson, West Texas A&M University
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University
Timothy D McBride, Washington University in St. Louis
Adam McCloskey, University of Colorado
Kenneth McConnell, University of Maryland
K. John McConnell, Oregon Health & Science University
Elaine McCrate, University of Vermont
Grant McDermott, University of Oregon
Robert McDonald, Northwestern University
Topher McDougal, University of San Diego
Peter McHenry, College of William & Mary
Craig McIntosh, School of Global Policy and Strategy, UCSD
Douglas McKee, Cornell Department of Economics
Rajnish Mehra, Arizona State University
Francisco J. Mejia, Economica Consulting LLC
Marc Melitz, Harvard University
Konrad Menzel, NYU
Guido Menzio, NYU
Jennifer Meredith, Colby College
Andrew Metrick, Yale University
Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn, UCLA
Edward Miguel, University of California, Berkeley
Paul Milgrom, Stanford University
Nathan Miller, Georgetown University
Keaton Miller, University of Oregon
Ronald I. Miller, Columbia University
Daniel Millimet, Southern Methodist University
Lawrence Mishel, Economic Policy Institute
Mushfiq Mobarak , Yale University
Pooya Molavi, Northwestern University
Dilip Mookherjee, Boston University
Robert M Mooradian, Northeastern University
Jonathan Morduch, New York University
Alan Moreira, University of Rochester
Stephen Morris, M.I.T.
Steven A Morrison, Northeastern University
Fiona Scott Morton, Yale University
Giuseppe Moscarini, Yale University
Christine Moser, Western Michigan University
William Velvel Moskoff, Lake Forest College
Akira Motomura, Stonehill College
Tracy Mott, University of Denver
Peter R. Mueser, University of Missouri
Tyler Muir, UCLA
Joseph Mullins, University of Minnesota
Lalith Munasinghe, Barnard College, Columbia University
David Munro, Middlebury College
Daniel Murphy, University of Virginia
Robert G. Murphy, Boston College
Michael Murray, Bates College
Roger Myerson, University of Chicago
John Nachbar, Washington University in St. Louis
Steven Nafziger, Williams College
Matthew G. Nagler, City University of New York
Paul Natke, Central Michigan University
Rosamond Naylor, Stanford University
Abdoulaye Ndiaye, New York University
Thomas Nechyba, Duke University
Jack Needleman, University of California, Los Angeles
Donald Negri, Willamette University
Wilhelm Neuefeind, Washington University in St Louis
David Neumark, UC Irvine
Plamen Nikolov, The State University of New York (Binghamton)
Roger G. Noll, Stanford
Peter Norman, University of North Carolina
Lindsey Novak, Colby College
Paul Novosad, Dartmouth College
Nathan Nunn, Harvard University
Anant Nyshadham, University of Michigan
Stephen A. O'Connell, Swarthmore College
Ezra Oberfield, Princeton
Jack Ochs, University of pittsburgh
Gerald Oettinger, University of Texas at Austin
Benjamin Ogden, Texas A&M
Andrew Ojede, Texas State University
Ifeakandu Okoye, Forida A&M University
Alex Olbrecht, Ramapo College
Will Olney, University of Hawaii
Paul Ong, UCLA
Margaret Oppenheimer, DePaul University
Bonnie L. Orcutt, Worcester State Hospital
David L. Ortega, Michigan State University
Ram Orzach, Oakland University
Ram Orzach, Oakland University
Abdalla Osman, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
Sharon Oster, Yale University
Ann Owen, Hamilton College
Orgul Ozturk, University of South Carolina
Warren Bruce Palmer, Beloit College
Jonathan A. Parker, MIT
Susan W. Parker, University of Maryland
Nina Pavcnik, Dartmouth College
David Pearce, New York University
Denis Pelletier, North Carolina State University
Lynne Pepall, Tufts University
Alfredo Marvao Pereira, College of William and Mary
Jeffrey M. Perloff, University of California, Berkeley
Isabelle Perrigne, Rice University
Addison Spencer Perry, ASU
Claudia Persico , American University
Michael Peters, Yale University
Christina Peters, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Bruce C Petersen, Washington University
Dorothy Petersen, Washington University
Peter A. Petri, Brandeis University
Davide Pettenuzzo, Brandeis University
Paul Pfleiderer, Stanford University
Charles P. Rock, Ph.D, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Rollins College
Joris Pinkse, Penn State
Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University
Zoe Plakias, Ohio State University
Stephen Polasky, University of Minnesota
Ioana Popovici, Nova Southeastern University
Ioana Popovici, Nova Southeastern University
Michael Powell, Northwestern University
Gyan Pradhan, Christopher Newport University
Sangeeta Pratap, Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Anne E. Preston, Haverford College
Thomas A. Pugel, New York University
Agnes Quisumbing, International Food Policy Research Institute
Esteban J. Quiñones, Mathematica
Steven Radelet, Georgetown University
Cyrus Ramezani, California Polytechnic State Univ.
Kolleen Rask, College of the Holy cross
Mahdi Rastad, California Polytechnic State University
Debraj Ray, New York University
Steven B Raymar, Fordham University - Gabelli School of Business
John Rehbeck, the Ohio State University
Jennifer Reinganum, Vanderbilt University
Cristina Reiser, University of New Mexico
Philip Reny, University of Chicago
Thomas Rice, UCLA
Lorien Alane Rice, Mills College
Jean-Francois Richard, University of Pittsburgh
Dan Richards, Tufts University
Sam Richardson, Boston College
Mary Rigdon, Rutgers University
Travis Roach, University of Central Oklahoma
Judith Robinson, Castleton University
Michael Robinson, Mount Holyoke College
Yana Rodgers, Rutgers University
Andres Rodriguez-Clare, UC Berkeley
Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez, University of California, Irvine
Brian Roe, Ohio State University
Giacomo Rondina, UC San Diego
David Ross, Bryn Mawr College
Barkley Rosser, James Madison University
Aimee Drolet Rossi, UCLA
Maya Rossin-Slater, Stanford University
Gregory Rosston, Stanford University
Elyce Rotella, University of Michigan
Alvin Roth, Stanford University
Alexander D Rothenberg, Syracuse University
Philip Rothman, East Carolina University
Heather Royer, UC Santa Barbara
Christopher J. Ruhm, University of Virginia
Mark Rush, University of Florida
Lauren Russell, University of Pennsylvania
Luis Felipe Saenz, University of South Carolina
Henry Saffer, National Bureau of Economic Research
Michael A. Salinger, Boston University
Steven Salop, Georgetown University Law Center
Tobias Salz, MIT
William Samuelson, Boston University
William Sander, DePaul University
Todd Sandler, University of Texas at Dallas
Sarada Sarada, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kristina Sargent, Middlebury College
Natasha Sarin, UPenn
Alexi Savov, New York University
José A. Scheinkman, Columbia University
Frank Schilbach, MIT
Richard Schmalensee, MIT
Robert M Schmidt, University of Richmond
Johannes Schmieder, Boston University
Molly Schnell, Northwestern University
Kevin T. Schnepel, Simon Fraser University
Kim Schoenholtz, NYU Stern School of Business
Andrew Schotter, NYU
Eric A. Schutz, Rollins College
Julia Schwenkenberg, Rutgers University, Newark
Norman Sedgley, Loyola University Maryland
Duane J Seppi, Carnegie Mellon University
Ricardo Serrano-Padial, Drexel University
Mark Setterfield, New School for Social Research
Bradley Shapiro, University of Chicago
Alan Finkelstein Shapiro, Tufts University
Ian Sheldon, Ohio State University
Ashish Shenoy, University of California, Davis
Itai Sher, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jennifer Shinall, Vanderbilt University
Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming
Lara Shore-Sheppard, Williams College
Ali Shourideh, Carnegie Mellon University
Richard Sias, University of Arizona
Robin C Sickles, Rice University
Paolo Siconolfi, Business School Columbia University
Yusif Simaan, Fordham University
Christopher Sims, Princeton University
Nirvikar Singh, University of California, Santa Cruz
Sanjay R Singh, UC Davis
Perry Singleton, Syracuse University
Gilbert L. Skillman, Wesleyan University
George A. Slotsve, Northern Illinois University
David Slusky, University of Kansas
Timothy M Smeeding, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Fred Smith, Davidson College
Alec Smith, Virginia Tech
Lones Smith, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Joel Sobel, University of California, San Diego
Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota
Gary Solon, University of Michigan
Barry Sopher, Rutgers University
John A. Sorrentino, Temple University
Roger Sparks, Mills College
Stephen E. Spear, Carnegie Mellon University
David Sraer, UC Berkeley
Ennio Stacchetti, New York University
Richard Stahl, Louisiana State University
Denise L. Stanley, California State University, Fullerton
Miron Stano, Oakland University
Mark Stehr, Drexel University
Bryce Millett Steinberg, Brown University
Joseph Steinberg, University of Toronto (and American citizen!)
Richard Steinberg, Dept. of Economics and Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, IUPUI
John Sterman, MIT
Scott Stern, MIT Sloan
Steven Stern, Stony Brook University
Mary Huff Stevenson, University of Massachusetts Boston
Noah Stoffman, Indiana University
Lars Stole, University of Chicago
John R. Stoll, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Samuel Stolper, University of Michigan
Daniel F. Stone, Bowdoin College
Adam Storeygard, Tufts University
Joerg Stoye, Cornell University
John K. Stranlund, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Sandip Sukhtankar, University of Virginia
Ashley Swanson, Columbia University
Steve Szeghi, Professor of Economics at Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio
Steve Szeghi, Wilmington College, Ohio
Tayfun Sönmez, Boston College
Steven Tadelis, UC Berkeley
Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi, Northwestern University
Elie Tamer, Harvard University
Pankaj Tandon, Boston University
Nori Tarui, University of Hawaii
Joshua Tasoff, Claremont Graduate University
Daniele Tavani, Colorado State University
Kenna C. Taylor, Rollins College
Lowell J Taylor, Carnegie Mellon University
Michael H. Taylor, University of Nevada, Reno
Nathan W. Tefft, Bates College
Mario Teisl, University of Maine
Sebastian Tello-Trillo, University of Virginia
Scott R Templeton, Clemson University
Katsuaki L Terasawa, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (Retired Economic Professor) and RAND Corporation (Retired Senior Economist)
David Terkla, University of Massachusetts Boston
Kevin E Thom, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Caroline Thomas, University of Texas, Austin
Frank Thompson, University of Michigan
Nathaniel A. Throckmorton, William & Mary
Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Tech
Tom Tietenberg, Colby College (Emeritus Professor)
Chris Tilly, UCLA
Jeremy Tobacman, University of Delaware
Aron Tobias, Syracuse University
Annette Tomal, Wheaton College
Daniel Tortorice, College of the Holy Cross
Peter Toumanoff, Marquette University
Edward Tower, Duke University
W. Scott Trees, Siena College
Nikos Trichakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philip Trostel, University of Maine
Boone A Turchi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lesley Turner, Vanderbilt University
Robert W Turner, Colgate University
Stephen J Turnovsky, University of Washington
Arja Turunen-Red, University of New Orleans
James R Tybout, Pennsylvania State University
Christopher Udry, Northwestern University
Mukti P Upadhyay, Eastern Illinois University
Robert Otto Valdez, PhD, University of New Mexico
Paola Valenti, Columbia University
Shapoor Vali, Fordham University
Kerry D. Vandell, University of California - Irvine
Joseph Vavra, University of Chicago
Sanford V.Berg, University of Florida
Laura Veldkamp, Columbia University
Gregory Veramendi, University of Munich
Marno Verbeek, Rotterdam School of Management
Eric Verhoogen, Columbia University
Emanuel Vespa, UC San Diego
Lise Vesterlund, University of Pittsburgh
Ingo Vogelsang, Boston University
Tom Vogl, University of California San Diego
Rajiv Vohra, Brown University
Anca Monika Voicu, Rollins College
Nico Voigtländer, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Annie Voy, Gonzaga University
Susan Vroman, Georgetown University
Quang Vuong, NYU
Paul Wachtel, Stern School of Business, New York University
Sunil Wahal, Arizona State University
Joel Waldfogel, University of Minnesota
Andreas Waldkirch, Colby College
Don E. Waldman, Colgate University
William Waller, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Carl E. Walsh, University of California, Santa Cruz
Xiao Yu Wang, Duke University
Michael Wasylenko, Syracuse Univeristy
George Waters, Illinois State University
Joel Watson, University of California, San Diego
Mark Watson, Princeton University
Tara Watson, Williams College
Richard Van Weelden, University of Pittsburgh
Kenneth Weiher, University of Texas at San Antonio
Amanda Weinstein, University of Akron
Jonathan Weinstein, Washington University in St. Louis
Ivo Welch, UCLA Anderson
Frank Werner, Fordham University
Birger Wernerfelt, MIT
Nils Wernerfelt, Facebook
Maria Westerfield, University of Virginia
Dave Whipple, Naval Postgraduate School  (Retired)
Travis Whitacre, SMU
Eugene White, Rutgers University
Roger White, Whittier College
Toni Whited, University of Michigan
John Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Casey Wichman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Peter J Wilcoxen, Syracuse University
Joshua Wilde, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Anne Williams, Bates College
Robert G. Williams, Guilford College
Nathan James Williams, Independent
Bonnie Wilson, Saint Louis University
Alistair Wilson, University of Pittsburgh
Richard Wiltgen, DePaul University
Donald Wittman, University of California Santa Cruz
Barbara L Wolfe, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Justin Wolfers, University of Michigan
Catherine Wolfram, University of California, Berkeley
Alexander Wolitzky, MIT
Keith Womer, University of Missour i— St Louis
Myrna Wooders, Vanderbilt University
Brian Davern Wright, UC Berkeley
Jonathan Wright, Johns Hopkins University
Bruce Wydick, University of San Francisco
Linus Yamane, Pitzer College
Dean Yang, University of Michigan
Lixin Ye, The Ohio State University
Muhamet Yildiz, MIT
Wesley Yin, University of California, Los Angeles
Gary Yohe, Wesleyan University
Thomas Youle, Dartmouth College
Stephen L. Zabor, Hiram College
Eduardo Zambrano, California Polytechnic State University
Yongmin Zang, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Jay Zarnikau, The University of Texas at Austin
Lu Zhang, The Ohio State University
Huizhong Zhou, Western Michigan University
Owen Zidar, Princeton University
Andrea Ziegert, Denison University
Andrew Zimbalist, Smith College
Frederick J. Zimmerman, University of California, Los Angeles
Jonathan Zinman, Dartmouth College
Ben Zweig, New York University
Ömer Özak, Southern Methodist University


LÁ THƯ NGỎ của 869 KINH TẾ GIA CHỐNG TT TRUMP, 869 Economists Oppose Trump
LGT: Năm 2020, trên 800 kinh tế gia Hoa Kỳ gồm bẩy người được giải Nobel đã khẩn cấp cảnh báo chống lại việc tái cử của tổng thống Donald Trump. Trong lá thư ngỏ, các kinh tế gia chỉ trích Trump đã tấn công mạnh mẽ vào cơ chế dân chủ của Hoa Kỳ, thất bại thậm tệ trong việc đối phó với đại dịch COVID-19, liên tục tung ra những tin tức giả mạo một cách nguy hiểm và công khai nuôi dưỡng một môi trường tham nhũng. 13 kinh tế gia được giải Nobel cũng đã viết một lá thư ủng hộ ứng cử viên tổng thống Joe Biden năm 2020. Thật không may cho nước Mỹ vì năm 2024, trên 70 triệu người Mỹ đã bầu cho ông Trump và những gì thế giới và nước Mỹ đang gánh chịu cho thấy nhận định của các kinh tế gia hàng đầu không thể là không có lý do
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