Tin SƠ KHỞI liên quan đến chi phiếu cứu trợ Đại dịch viêm phỗi Vũ Hán

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Tin SƠ KHỞI liên quan đến chi phiếu cứu trợ
Đại dịch viêm phỗi Vũ Hán

Ngân khoản Đà được Hạ viên Hoa Kỳ biểu quyết chấp thuận hôm nay Thứ Sáu, 27/03/2020, và Tổng Thống Donald Trump sẽ ký ban hành ngay sau đó...

Trong đó

** 80% công dân Hoa Kỳ  & thường trú nhân ( có thẻ xanh xanh): W.2 & 1099, sẽ nhận được trợ cấp..

** Cá nhân lợi tức dưới $ 75,000.00 ; vợ, chồng dưới $150,000.00

** Trung bình mỗi người sẽ nhận $1,200.00, gia đình 4 người ( vợ chồng và hai con nhỏ: $ 3,400.00 )

** Check sẽ gởi thẳng qua Bank (direct - deposit) vào chương mục (account) của người thụ hưởng ; vào khoảng đầu tháng 4, 2020.

** Ai nhận check (giấy) nhận qua bưu điện sẽ lâu hơn một tí..

** Tiền trợ cấp này không bị trừ thuế. Những ai đang thiếu thuế vẫn được nhận trợ cấp.

** Những ai đang nhận trợ cấp xã hội ( SocialSecurity ) cũng sẽ nhận được trợ cấp..

** Không dành cho:  những di dân lậu, những công nhân đang làm việc ở Hoa Kỳ nhưng chưa có thẻ xanh

Xin mời Quý Vị, xem toàn văn bài viết dưới đây để biết thêm nhiều chi tiết hữu ích...

Calculate how much you’ll get from the
$1,200 (or more) coronavirus checks

Over80 percent of American adults will receive a payment

By Ashlyn Still,Heather Longand Kevin UhrmacherUpdated March 26, 2020

The U.S. government is about to sendchecks — or direct deposits — to most Americans to help people survivefinancially as much of the economy shuts down in an effort to slow the spreadof the novel coronavirus.
Bipartisan legislation passed by the Senate on Wednesday evening — which still must be passed by the House — would provide$1,200 payments to adults with annual incomes up to $75,000, plus another $500per child. Some Americans earning more than $75,000 would also receive money ifthey meet certain qualifications outlined below. For most Americans, the moneyis likely to arrive in April via direct deposit. Mailed checks may take longer.
Use the calculator below to see howmuch you would receive. Under that, see answers to frequently asked questions.
Calculate your stimulus payment
Based on figures from the CARES Act.Your inputs will not be stored.
Have you filed your 2019 taxes yet?
What was your filing status in your2019 taxes?
What was your adjusted gross incomein 2019?

How many children did you claim asdependents in 2019?

You are likely getting a $1,200stimulus payment.

Who exactly qualifies for a payment?Individuals earning up to $75,000 ayear will be eligible for the full $1,200 check. Reduced checks will go out toindividuals making up to $99,000 a year (the payment amount falls by $5 forevery $100 in income above $75,000).
Married couples are eligible for a$2,400 check as long as their adjusted gross income is under $150,000 a year.Reduced checks, on a sliding scale, will go out to married couples who earn upto $198,000. Married couples also will receive an additional $500 for everychild under 17.
People who file as a “head ofhousehold” (typically single parents with children) are eligible for a $1,200check if they earn up to $112,500 a year. Reduced checks on a sliding scale areavailable for heads of household earning up to $136,500 annually. Heads ofhousehold will also receive an additional $500 per child under 17.
Senate passes $2 trillion bill to blunt coronavirus pandemic’seconomic impact

How does the U.S. government knowwhere to send the money? If youhave already filed a 2019 tax return (that’s the one most people are working onnow), the Internal Revenue Service will use the direct deposit information onyour 2019 return to send your payment to your bank account. If you don’tprovide the IRS with your direct deposit details or you closed that account,then the IRS will mail you a check.
If you have yet to file a 2019 taxreturn, the IRS will see if you have filed a 2018 tax return and use thatinformation to determine whether you meet the qualifications for a check and tofind your bank details or mailing address.
What’s in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus Senate stimulus package
Pennsylvania Avenue is quiet duringrush hour on March 17. (Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)

When will the payments arrive? Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has set a goal of gettingthe first payments out the door the week of April 6. Many experts say that isan ambitious timetable, and it might get pushed back to later in April. Thelast time the U.S. government did anything like this, in 2008, the paymentswent out in batches and it took about eight weeks for the final people to receivetheir checks.

What about people on SocialSecurity? People on Social Security areeligible to receive the coronavirus relief payment as long as their totalincome does not exceed the limit. Low-income Americans on Social Security donot need to file a tax return. As long as they received an SSA-1099 form (theSocial Security benefit statement), the federal government will be able to sendthem a payment via the usual way they get their Social Security payment.Retirees and people on disability are both eligible for the special payment.
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How many Americans will get these payments? Roughly 125 million people will receive a check, or about83 percent of tax filers, according to Kyle Pomerleau, a tax expert at theAmerican Enterprise Institute.
Who won’t get a check? The main people excluded from receiving a payment are the wealthy,“nonresident aliens” (i.e., foreigners who do not hold a green card) and“dependents” who can be claimed on someone else’s tax return.

Will there be another payment in thesummer? Maybe. President Trump has said heis open to another round of the checks, but only if the economy remains anemicthrough the spring and an additional boost is warranted.
Share your story: How has the coronavirus disrupted your life?

Are the checks taxable? No, they are not taxable.

What happens to people who earnedtoo much in 2018 and 2019 but now lost their job? This is a really tough situation. Unfortunately, theseworkers are not eligible for $1,200 checks right away. They would get therebate when they file their 2020 taxes next year. Treasury may create a programto get these people money sooner, but nothing has been announced yet.

If I owe past taxes, will my checkbe reduced? No. The only reason a check would bereduced is if past child support payments are due and the amount has beenreported to the federal government.

What if my income is higher in 2020?You do not have to pay thegovernment back. Technically a person’s 2020 income is what qualifies them forthe payment. Since no one knows their total 2020 income yet, the government isusing tax returns from 2019 and 2018 to figure out who qualifies for a check.If you get a payment and then your 2020 income is higher and thus merits areduced payment or no payment, the money does not have to be paid back.

I have a lot more questions. Whatshould I do? The Treasury and IRS are stillfiguring out a lot of the administrative details. The IRS created a website where more information will eventually be posted. For now,there is no information available beyond what is in the legislation.

Kiều Mỹ Duyên, Một Chuyến Đi Đầy Nước Mắt: Thăm Viếng Người Cùi Ở Việt Nam
  Ngày 26/11/2024, phái đoàn "Hội Bạn Người Cùi" lên máy bay ở phi trường Los Angeles về Việt Nam thăm viếng làng cùi ở Việt Nam. Phái đoàn gồm có: Hải Quân Trung Tá linh mục Đặng Văn Chín- linh mục linh hướng của Hội Bạn Người Cùi, ông Lê Quang và vợ- cô Tuyết Nguyễn, bà Nguyễn Thị Soi, bà Vũ Tuyết Giang, ông Lê Khoa- thương gia trẻ thành đạt và vợ- cô Bình Nguyễn, Lê Thanh Phong và vợ- cô Trần Thị Tuyết Hằng, nghệ sĩ Chí Tâm và Kiều Mỹ Duyên.          Khi phái đoàn đến Sài Gòn, Mẹ Bề Trên thuộc dòng Mến Thánh Giá- dì Bảy Phụng (em ruột của Đức Ông Nguyễn Văn Phương- nguyên chánh văn phòng bộ truyền giáo Tòa Thánh Vatican- bây giờ đang ở Vĩnh Long), đón tiếp một cách nồng nhiệt ở nhà dòng Phú Nhuận.
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